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The Who, What, Why, & How Of Digital Marketing

In the vast landscape of online promotion and outreach, understanding he who, what, why, & how of digital marketing is paramount for businesses seeking to thrive in the digital age. The who of digital marketing involves identifying and targeting specific audiences with precision, ensuring that promotional efforts resonate effectively.

John Harrison
John Harrison
Jan 20, 20245.6K Shares82.9K Views
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  1. What Is Digital Marketing?
  2. Who Should Do Digital Marketing?
  3. Why Is Digital Marketing Important?
  4. How To Create A Digital Marketing Strategy?
  5. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) In Digital Marketing
  6. The Future Of Digital Marketing
  7. Frequently Asked Questions
  8. Conclusion
The Who, What, Why, & How Of Digital Marketing

The realm of marketing has experienced a significant transition in this age of digital technology, and in order for firms to maintain their competitive edge, they need to adapt. The incorporation of digital marketing, which is frequently seen as the foundation of contemporary corporate promotion, has developed into an essential component of every effective marketing plan.

It's not just a choice; it's a need that must be met. This article is your comprehensive guide to understandingthe Who, What, Why, & How of digital marketing. We will unravel the intricate layers of this dynamic discipline, addressing the essential questions that every marketer, entrepreneur, and businessowner must ponder.

What Is Digital Marketing?

Woman in Green Shirt Covering Her Face With Her Hand
Woman in Green Shirt Covering Her Face With Her Hand

Digital marketing, also known as online marketing, is the use of digital channels such as the Internet, social media, mobile devices, search engines, and other digital means to promote and sell products and services. It involves various tactics and technologies used to reach potential customers and establish a brand identity.

It can appear in a variety of ways, such as social media postings, display adverts, online videos, search engine marketing, and sponsored social media ads. Digital marketing is sometimes contrasted with "traditional marketing" methods like direct mail, billboards, and magazine advertisements. Oddly, conventional marketing is typically associated with television.

With a digital marketing plan, you may interact with current clients and those who are interested in your goods or services by utilizing various digital channels, including social media, pay-per-click, search engine optimization, and email marketing. You may then develop a brand, offer excellent customer service, attract new clients, and more.

Who Should Do Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a critical component of modern business strategy, and its implementation is relevant to a wide range of individuals and organizations. Here's a breakdown of who should engage in digital marketing.

  • Businesses and Organizations- Digital marketing is essential for businesses of all sizes, nonprofits, educational institutions, and government agencies looking to connect with their audience online.
  • Marketing Professionals- Marketing experts and specialists should incorporate digital marketing into their skills to remain competitive in the evolving marketing landscape.
  • Content Creators and Influencers- Content creators, bloggers, vloggers, and social media influencers rely on digital marketing to promote their content and engage their audience effectively.
  • E-commerce Entities- E-commerce businesses heavily depend on digital marketing to attract and convert online shoppers, optimize product listings, and stay competitive in the online marketplace.
Woman in Red Tank Top Standing Beside Woman in White Tank Top
Woman in Red Tank Top Standing Beside Woman in White Tank Top

Why Is Digital Marketing Important?

The fact that digital marketing can reach such a vast audience has contributed to its rise in popularity. But it also provides a host of other benefits that strengthen your marketing campaign. These are only a handful of the advantages of Internet marketing.

A Broad Geographic Reach

If you haven't set a geographical restriction on your advertisement, everyone can view it when you post it online. This makes it simple to expand your company's market reach and establish connections with more people through various digital platforms.

Cost Efficiency

In addition to reaching a larger audience than conventional marketing, digital marketing is also less expensive. Television commercials, print advertisements, and other traditional marketing possibilities often have significant overhead expenditures.

Additionally, they provide you less control over whether or not the communications intended for your target audiences get seen at all. As long as your blog is live, you may use digital marketing to develop only one piece of content that drives traffic to it.

A scheduled email marketing campaign that targets specific consumer lists may be easily created, and if the schedule or content has to be changed, it's simple to do so. Digital marketing offers you far greater flexibility and client interaction for your advertising investment.

Quantifiable Results

You must ascertain the number of consumers your marketing approach draws in addition to the total amount of income it generates in order to determine its effectiveness. However, how can one do it using a non-digital marketing approach?

The conventional approach of inquiring about each customer's method of finding us is still available. Unfortunately, not all industries can benefit from that. Numerous businesses need help to speak with clients one-on-one, and surveys frequently yield incomplete data.

It is easy to track outcomes while using digital marketing. The quantity of intended conversions, email open rates, home page visits, or direct sales that you receive is automatically monitored by digital marketing platforms and tools.

Easier Personalization

In a manner not possible with physical marketing, digital marketing enables you to compile consumer information. Digitally gathered data often has far greater specificity and precision.

Let's say you are a financial services provider and would like to provide exclusive offers to online shoppers who have seen your offerings. You decide to develop two campaigns since you know that tailoring the offer to the person's interest would provide better results. One is for millennial entrepreneurs who have looked at your retirement plans, while the other is for young families who have looked at your life insurance products.

Without the use of automated tracking, how do you get all that data? How many phone logs would you need to review? How many profiles of customers are there? Furthermore, how can you tell who has and has yet to read the booklet you distributed? You already have access to all of this information with digital marketing.

More Connection With Customers

Real-time communication with your consumers is made possible by digital marketing. Above all, it facilitates communication between them and you.

Consider your social media approach. When members of your target audience view and interact with your most recent post, it's even more rewarding. Every time someone enters the conversation, it increases exposure and generates more talk about your product or service.

Your consumers gain from the interaction as well. The more actively customers participate in the narrative of your brand, the more engaged they are. That sense of ownership may foster strong brand loyalty.

Easy And Convenient Conversions

After seeing your advertisement or content, your consumers may take quick action thanks to digital marketing. The fastest outcome you can hope for with traditional advertising is a call that comes in immediately after someone reads your ad.

However, how frequently does someone have the time to contact a business while they're driving, doing the dishes, or updating documents at work?

With digital marketing, they may advance through the sales funnel immediately by clicking on a link or saving a blog article. Even if they don't buy right away, they'll still stay in touch and provide you with more opportunities to communicate.

Woman Working in an Office
Woman Working in an Office

How To Create A Digital Marketing Strategy?

There are no two identical digital marketing efforts. You are in charge of deciding how much to invest in each of the numerous strategies and techniques that are available. Nevertheless, the planning and implementation procedures for the majority of digital marketing techniques are often the same. Here's how to construct one;

Establish Your Marketing Objectives

The main aim of your marketing team or campaign is a goal for your digital marketing strategy. It needs to be related to and supportive of overarching company objectives. A specific objective will guide your digital marketing plan. And make it easier for you to see achievements, stay on course, and recognize setbacks.

For instance, your plan would concentrate on traffic-generating techniques if your objective is to increase traffic. Your plan is working if the amount of traffic is rising. If traffic isn't moving, something needs to be changed.

Determine Your Goal Audience

The group (or groups) of people who are most likely to be interested in and gain from your products or services are your target audience. These groups' members have traits, requirements, and interests in common, which makes them the ideal audience for your marketing communications.

It would be best if you did audience analysis in order to make sure that your digital marketing campaigns are directed towards this demographic. This is simply a means of better knowing your target market.

It would help if you concentrated your study on things like content preferences, purchase patterns, and demographic composition.

The approach and final success of your campaign will depend on how well you understand your target demographic. It will assist in choosing your channels, content placement, and other aspects.

Ideal customer profiles, or ICPs, can facilitate this procedure. An ICP outlines the ideal customer for your company. It's the individual who would most enjoy and gain from what your company has to offer. Their likes, needs, behavior, and identity are all outlined in their profile.

You must first gather information in order to establish your ICP. There are several approaches to accomplish this, such as;

  • Primary research using focus groups and Internet questionnaires.
  • Internal marketing and sales data analysis to comprehend current clients.
  • Using social listening to determine the issues and trends that are common among your audience.
  • You may use a variety of tools to manage these tasks more quickly. Qualtrics and SurveyMonkey are two polling systems that may be used for primary research.

You can better comprehend the attitudes, behaviors, and thoughts of your target market if you have the correct information. Make future strategic decisions and your marketing plan more inspired by these findings.

Choose The Right Marketing Channels

There are several kinds of marketing channels, but you should only make use of some of them. Just those that are appropriate for your company.

Utilizing a variety of marketing channels will help you acquire greater exposure for your brand and product by reaching a larger audience in more locations. Depending on how you go about it, this is referred to as omnichannel or multichannel marketing.

As you construct your plan, draw upon your previous study. What mix works best for you will depend on your marketing objectives, the target demographic, and your budget. Ultimately, it's essential to be where your ideal clients are.

Establish A Budget

The sum of money that a company sets aside for its online marketing initiatives is known as its digital marketing budget. If you set your budget too low, you can find it challenging to meet your goals or see any real progress. If you set it too high, you'll unnecessarily divert money from other aspects of your company.

To begin with, ascertain your overarching business goals. Are you trying to build relationships with current customers, close more sales, or raise brand awareness? Your objectives will guide your approach and establish your financial requirements.

Think about giving marketing a particular portion of your earnings. This is a typical approach. While the exact proportion varies according to industry, size of the firm, and stage of growth, it is often between 5% and 15%.

Alternatively, to get a more precise estimate, look for industry benchmarks and find out how much your rivals are spending on digital marketing. Although it shouldn't serve as your only foundation, it does offer a helpful background.

Divide your money into campaigns since some media, like social media advertisements, demand a more significant upfront investment than others, like the generation of SEOcontent.

Account for variable costs, too. Suppose an influencer marketing program that is based on performance outperforms your initial expectations. Long-term sales will rise as a result, but you will still have to compensate your partners.

Lastly, to continue making prudent use of your cash, spend money on marketing analytics tools. Keep a close eye on your digital marketing key performance indicators (KPIs) so you can identify and eliminate ineffective strategies.

Generate And Distribute Content

You may start creating content that fits your plan if you have a clear understanding of your objectives, target market, and preferred distribution methods. This might include creating newsletters, PPC ad creative, social media postings, blog entries, and much more.

Take into account the following to make sure your campaign is correctly anchored by the content you create;

  • What content and to what extent do your rivals have
  • How successfully your material meets the demands of your audience
  • Whether the material you produce aligns with your brand's positioning and voice

Gather Results And Refine Your Strategy

After producing your material, you may launch your campaign and begin tracking the outcomes. This is a continuous process that requires continued adjustment and learning.

Utilize tools like Semrush, Google Analytics, and Google Search Console to analyze your performance statistics. Next, modify your marketing strategies in light of what you discover.

To get the most out of your money, you may concentrate on areas where you're seeing improvements in your performance.

You'll know the campaign isn't working if there's not much of a difference or if traffic is declining. You may target alternative keywords or change your channel.

With time, this constant improvement will produce highly tuned campaigns that reliably yield favorable outcomes.

Stressed Elderly Woman Holding Her Head
Stressed Elderly Woman Holding Her Head

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) In Digital Marketing

Digital marketers utilize key performance indicators (KPIs) in the same manner as they are by traditional marketers. The key performance indicators (KPIs) enable them to monitor the long-term performance of their marketing campaigns and compare those initiatives to the efforts of their rivals.

The following is a list of some of the most common key performance indicators (KPIs) with which marketers may evaluate how well they are doing;

Click-Through Rate

It is standard practice to utilize this key performance indicator (KPI) to evaluate the efficacy of Internet advertising. This is accomplished by calculating the proportion of individuals who clicked on a particular advertisement out of the total number of individuals who may have seen it.

Conversion Rate

Further than the click-through rate, the conversion rate compares the proportion of individuals who completed some desired action, such as making a purchase, to the entire audience that a specific advertisement or promotion reached. This comparison is made in order to determine the effectiveness of the advertisement or promotion.

Social Media Traffic

This data keeps track of the number of people who engage with a firm's social media accounts. Similarities, followers, views, shares, and other measurable activities are included in this category.

Website Traffic

During a specified period, this statistic monitors the number of individuals who visit the website of a particular firm. Among its many applications, it may assist businesses in determining the degree to which their marketing efforts are successful in attracting customers to their websites.

Colleagues Standing in White Long Sleeve Shirts Discussing and Reading a Financial Report
Colleagues Standing in White Long Sleeve Shirts Discussing and Reading a Financial Report

The Future Of Digital Marketing

The future of digital marketing looks promising, with continued growth and evolution. The digital marketing industry is predicted to reach $807 billion by 2026, with digital advertising spending forecasted to reach $602.25 billion in 2023.

Search advertising commands a substantial 40.9% share of the global market. In comparison, digital display is anticipated to register a robust 15.5% compound annual growth rate (CAGR), emphasizing the enduring relevance of these formats.

The pervasive use of the internet and smartphones is a driving force behind the escalating significance of digital marketing, with businesses of all sizes increasingly leveraging digital strategies to engage with their target audiences.

The following tendencies are anticipated to influence how digital marketing develops in the future;


Customers want businesses to provide them with individualized experiences based on their requirements and preferences. To achieve this expectation, marketers will employ cutting-edge technology like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML).

Data Collection

Companies may gather a plethora of data and conduct in-depth assessments of their target audience by utilizing a variety of intelligent technologies.


To deliver tailored content, suggestions, and offers at scale, digital marketers will need to make use of automation, artificial intelligence, and consumer data.


Chatbots have been used by businesses for a while now, and marketing is greatly benefiting from this trend.

Virtual Reality

Virtual reality is going to be the biggest thing in marketing by 2025. As customers browse for product brands with eye-catching, bright advertisements, they will relish the incredible emotional experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Content Marketing Benefit Businesses?

Content marketing helps businesses establish authority, engage audiences, and generate leads by creating valuable and relevant content that resonates with their target audience.

Why Is SEO Important In Digital Marketing?

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is crucial because it helps websites rank higher in search engine results, increasing organic traffic and visibility.

What Is The Role Of Social Media In Digital Marketing?

Social media platforms are used to build brand awareness, engage with audiences, and drive traffic to websites or products.


Digital marketing has evolved into an indispensable tool for businesses and individuals in the modern age. Its ability to reach a global audience, engage with customers, and measure results has revolutionized the way we promote products, services, and ideas.

Whether you're a small business owner, a marketing professional, or a content creator, understanding the Who, What, Why, & How of digital marketing is paramount to success. By identifying your target audience, leveraging the proper channels, and crafting effective strategies, you can harness the power of digital marketing to achieve your goals, stay competitive, and thrive in the dynamic digital landscape.

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