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10 Content Research Tips - A Roadmap For Creating Great Content

Unlock the secrets to effective content research tips! Discover proven strategies to fuel your content creation, match search intent, and captivate your audience.

John Harrison
John Harrison
Dec 18, 202312.1K Shares161.9K Views
Jump to
  1. Content Research Tips For Creating Great Content
  2. Top Tools For Content Marketing Research
  3. Level Up Your Content Research Game With Content Marketing Platform
  4. How To Efficiently Conduct Content Research For Content Marketers?
  5. Frequently Asked Questions About Content Research Tips
  6. Conclusion
10 Content Research Tips - A Roadmap For Creating Great Content

Are you struggling to find the right approach to Content Research Tips? Uncover the key strategies that can revolutionize your content creation process with these expert tips! In a digital landscape brimming with information, knowing how to navigate and extract valuable insights is crucial. From leveraging advanced search techniques to utilizing cutting-edge tools, these tips will empower you to uncover trending topics.

Dive into the world of content research and learn how to decode search intent, identify content gaps, and craft compelling narratives that engage and captivate your audience. Whether you're a seasoned content creator or just starting, these tips will guide you towards producing high-quality, targeted content that stands out amidst the noise, ultimately driving greater visibility and success for your brand or platform.

Content Research Tips For Creating Great Content

Best content research tips that will make you more influential written
Best content research tips that will make you more influential written

Creating impactful content starts with research. But going beyond surface-level skimming and truly understanding your audience's needs takes a targeted approach. Here's a breakdown of your listed tips, each unpacked with actionable insights:

1. Focus On The Right Topic

  • Start broad, then narrow -Identify relevant themes, then explore specific sub-topics with high search volume and audience interest. Tools like Google Trends and keyword research platforms can guide you.
  • Understand the "why" behind the search terms -What information gap are your readers trying to fill? Tailor your content to address their specific questions and pain points.

2. Analyze The Search Intent

  • Go beyond keywords -Don't just focus on the words people are typing; understand their intent behind them. Are they looking for information, comparisons, solutions, or entertainment? Craft your content accordingly.
  • Consider the search stage - People may be at different stages in their information journey. Create content for various stages, from awareness to decision-making.

3. Ask Yourself What Additional Value You Can Bring

  • Don't just regurgitate existing information - Offer unique insights, fresh perspectives, or actionable takeaways. Conduct original research, analyze data, or share expert opinions to stand out.
  • Focus on quality, not quantity - Prioritize depth and detail over superficial coverage. One well-researched piece can be more valuable than several shallow ones.

4. Talk To Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

  • Tap into specialized knowledge - Interview industry professionals, researchers, or thought leaders to add credibility and authority to your content.
  • Get diverse perspectives -Seek out experts with different viewpoints to create a well-rounded and informative piece.

5. Leverage Social Media

  • Engage in conversations -Participate in relevant online communities, answer questions, and address trending topics. This can help you identify content ideas and understand current interests.
  • Monitor hashtags and trends - Keep track of what's popular and sparking discussions within your target audience. This can inspire new content angles and capitalize on current events.

6. Engage In Collaborative Marketing

  • Partner with other creators -Collaborate on content pieces with complementary expertise or reach a wider audience.
  • Host guest posts or interviews -Feature other voices and perspectives on your platform to offer fresh content and attract new readers.

7. Run Surveys

  • Gather direct feedback from your audience -Ask them about their interests, challenges, and preferred content formats. This can inform your content strategy and ensure you're creating content that resonates.
  • Use surveys to validate your ideas -Test out potential content topics and formats to gauge audience interest before investing time and resources.

8. Go Through Reports And White Papers

  • Stay on top of industry trends and data -Industry reports and white papers offer valuable insights and statistics you can use to support your arguments and add credibility to your content.
  • Find unique data points and insights - Analyze reports to identify lesser-known trends or statistics that can make your content stand out.

9. Talk To Your Readers

  • Foster open communication -Encourage comments, feedback, and questions on your content. This direct interaction can reveal valuable insights and inspire future content ideas.
  • Conduct interviews or focus groups -Engage your audience in deeper conversations to gain a richer understanding of their needs and preferences.

Content research is not a one-time activity. It's an ongoing process of listening, learning, and adapting. By consistently incorporating these tips and actively engaging with your audience, you can create content that truly resonates, informs, and drives value.

10. Use A Content Management System

A content management system (CMS) will help you to organize and manage your content. This will make it easier to create, publish, and promote your content.

Benefits Of Content Research

  • It can help you to save time and money by preventing you from creating content that is not relevant to your audience.
  • It can help you to improve your brand reputation by establishing you as an expert in your field.
  • It can help you to build relationships with influencers and other thought leaders in your industry.

If you are not already investing in content research, I encourage you to start today. It is a valuable investment that can have a significant impact on your business's success.

Top Tools For Content Marketing Research

Content marketing toolse desscribed with a diagram
Content marketing toolse desscribed with a diagram

Here are some of the top tools for content marketing research:

  • ContentCal -is a content marketing calendar tool that can help you to plan and schedule your content. It can also help you to track your content performance and identify trends.
  • Airtable -is another project management tool that is similar to Trello. It is a great option for businesses that need a more flexible and customizable solution.
  • Trello -is a project management tool that can help you to organize and manage your content creation process. It can also help you to collaborate with your team members.
  • Feedly- is an RSS feed reader that can help you to stay up-to-date on the latest news and trends in your industry. It can also help you to identify potential sources for your content.
  • Google Search Console -is another free tool from Google that can help you to improve your website's SEO. It can help you to identify and fix technical issues with your website, as well as track your website's ranking in SERPs.
  • Google Analytics -is a free tool that you can use to track your website traffic and content performance. It can help you to see which pieces of content are performing well and which ones need improvement.
  • AnswerThePublic- is a tool that helps you to understand what your audience is asking about. It uses autocomplete data from Google Search to generate a list of questions that people are searching for.
  • BuzzSumo -is a great tool for finding trending topics and content that is resonating with your audience. It can also help you identify influencers in your industry.
  • Ahrefs- is another popular SEO tool that is known for its powerful backlink analysis capabilities. It can also help you with keyword research, competitor analysis, and content optimization.
  • Semrush -is an all-in-one SEO tool that can help you with keyword research, competitor analysis, and content optimization. It's a great tool for getting a holistic view of your content marketing landscape.

Level Up Your Content Research Game With Content Marketing Platform

In today's digital world, content is king. Businesses that create high-quality, relevant content are more likely to attract and engage customers. But creating great content doesn't happen by accident. It requires careful planning, research, and execution.

This is where a content marketing platform (CMP) like Optimizely Content Marketing Platform (CMP) comes in. A CMP can help you to streamline your content creation process, from ideation to publication.

Ways CMP Can Help

Here are just a few of the ways that optimizely CMP can help you to level up your content research game:

  • Centralized content hub -Optimizely CMP provides a centralized hub for all of your content, making it easy to find and manage your assets.
  • AI-powered content insights -Optimizely CMP uses AI to analyze your content and provide insights into what's working and what's not.
  • Collaboration tools -Optimizely CMP makes it easy to collaborate with your team on content creation.
  • Workflow management -Optimizely CMP helps you to manage your content workflow from start to finish.


Here are some specific examples of how you can use optimizely CMP level up your content research game:

1. Use the AI-powered insights to identify trending topics and keywords -This will help you to create content that is relevant to your audience and that will rank well in search engines.

2. Use the collaboration tools to brainstorm ideas and share feedback with your team -This will help you to create content that is well-researched and that everyone agrees on.

3. Use the workflow management tools to track the progress of your content creation projects -This will help you to ensure that your content is published on time and on budget.

If you're serious about creating great content, then you need to be using a CMP like Optimizely Content Marketing Platform. Optimizely CMP can help you to take your content research game to the next level and create content that is relevant, engaging, and effective.

How To Efficiently Conduct Content Research For Content Marketers?

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This video is unavailable

Time is precious, especially for content marketers juggling multiple tasks. But creating impactful content requires solid research. Here are 9 efficient tips to help you gather valuable insights without sacrificing precious hours:

1. Hit That Google Search Button

Don't underestimate the power of a simple search. Use Google Trends and autocomplete suggestions to understand trending topics and audience queries related to your niche.

2. Befriend BuzzSumo

This tool analyzes social media engagement to reveal top-performing content on any topic. Use it to identify popular formats, themes, and angles that resonate with your audience.

3. Don't Sleep On Quora

Quora is a goldmine of user-generated questions and discussions. Search for relevant topics to understand your audience's pain points and information gaps. Analyze upvoted answers for valuable insights.

4. Leverage The Infographics Powerhouse

Visual content is king. Use tools like Pinterest and Piktochart to discover popular infographics in your niche. Analyze their design elements, data points, and topics to inspire your own visual content creation.

5. Deep Dive Into Your Audience

Go beyond demographics. Use surveys, social media listening, and customer feedback to understand their motivations, challenges, and preferred content formats. Tailor your research to their specific needs.

6. Keyword Research For SEO Mastery

Keywords are your roadmap to search engine visibility. Use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Keyword Planner to identify relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition. Optimize your content for these keywords for better reach.

7. Connect On LinkedIn

Follow industry leaders, influencers, and relevant groups on LinkedIn. Participate in discussions, share your expertise, and stay updated on the latest trends and research in your field.

8. Discover The Influencer Magic

Identify key influencers in your niche. Analyze their content, social media engagement, and audience demographics. Collaborate with them on interviews, guest posts, or joint projects to tap into their reach and credibility.

9. Competitor Content – Your Secret Weapon

Analyze your competitor's content strategy. Identify their most popular pieces, recurring themes, and content formats. Use this knowledge to fill gaps in your own content strategy and offer unique value to your audience.

Bonus Tip - Leverage Optimizely!

Optimizely's A/B testing and personalization tools can help you refine your content based on real-time audience data. Test different headlines, formats, and CTAs to see what resonates best, maximizing the impact of your research efforts.

Efficient content research is about being smart, strategic, and data-driven. By implementing these tips and continuously adapting your approach, you can gather valuable insights, create high-performing content, and save valuable time in the process.

Frequently Asked Questions About Content Research Tips

How Do You Do Content Research?

Start by using keyword research to determine what questions your audience wants answered about your topic. Once you have figured out what these questions are, conduct subject-matter research to find the answers. This will allow you to create amazing content that draws the readers in, by actually being useful.

What Is The Role Of Content Research?

Let's take it from the top. Content research is an essential arm of marketing. It's all about analyzing content that is available online, identifying topics that your audience engages with, and then building a unique strategy to increase your brand's visibility.

What Are Research Skills?

Research skills refer to the ability to search for, locate, extract, organise, evaluate and use or present information that is relevant to a particular topic. Academic research is a specific type of research: a process of detailed and methodical investigation into some area of study.


Mastering the art of content research is not merely a skill but a cornerstone of success in the digital realm. These tips serve as a compass, guiding you through the vast sea of information, enabling you to navigate with precision and purpose. By implementing these strategies, you gain the ability to unearth hidden gems of information, identify emerging trends, and tailor your content to fulfill the specific needs and desires of your audience.

Remember, content research is an ongoing journey of discovery and adaptation. Continuously refine your methods, explore new avenues, and stay abreast of evolving trends. With a solid foundation in content research, you hold the key to consistently delivering valuable, impactful, and relevant content that not only captures attention but also fosters enduring connections with your audience, setting you apart in a crowded digital landscape.

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