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Close Sales - 22 Essential Strategies For Success

Whether you are a seasoned sales professional or a budding entrepreneur, understanding and seamlessly implementing these 22 sales closing techniques can be the catalyst for unparalleled success in closing deals.

Feb 10, 20245.1K Shares113.6K ViewsWritten By: John Harrison
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  1. Assumptive Close
  2. Puppy Dog Close
  3. Gauge Close
  4. Takeaway Close
  5. Sharp Angle Closes
  6. Summary Closes
  7. Scarcity Close
  8. Question Close
  9. Soft Close
  10. Prompt Agreement
  11. Propose Your Help
  12. The Alternative Close
  13. The Something For Nothing Close
  14. Unique Offer Close
  15. After The Commitment
  16. Now Or Never Close
  17. Demonstration Close
  18. 1-2-3 Close
  19. Weekly Cost Close
  20. Testimonial Close
  21. The Ownership Close
  22. The Video Close
  23. How To Close A Sale?
  24. What To Do After Closing A Sale?
  25. Frequently Asked Questions
  26. Conclusion
Close Sales - 22 Essential Strategies For Success

In sales, closing is the make-or-break point. You can make sure that the efforts you put into nurturing prospects result in closing sales by employing the appropriate words, phrases, and strategies.

Still, 40%of salespeople are nervous about closing deals. If there were no solid emotional risks involved, such as rejection and failure fears, concluding a deal wouldn't be as exciting. Effective sales closing may be achieved through several strategies, and the one you select will frequently rely on how well you worked with the customer in the earlier stages of the sales cycle.

Building relationships with clients and increasing your chances of selling the good or service may both be facilitated by learning how to close a deal effectively. In this post, we discuss many approaches for close sales, such as giving customers an option or pointing out a product or service's limited availability. What is sales closing?

Monochrome of People Shaking Hands
Monochrome of People Shaking Hands

The last and most crucial stage in persuading a potential customer to accept a deal, complete a transaction, or sign a contract is sales closing. It's how salespeople meet their goals and, in the end, how companies make money.

It is the result of everything you have worked on. You invested the effort and presented a compelling argument for how your solution can ease the prospect's problems. After making a (sales) proposition and posing the question, it's time to see if the prospect is willing to commit.

It takes a lot of perseverance and patience to get that yes. It is common for prospects to say no before saying yes. The issue is that a lot of sales associates need to give up before getting a yes. Here are 22 sales closing techniques!

Person Wears Multicolored Blazer
Person Wears Multicolored Blazer

Assumptive Close

A cheerful outlook is necessary for the assumptive closing. From the outset, you presume that the sale is yours; the only things left to do are find out how many things they want and when to begin execution.

You must have complete faith in both your offering and yourself to use this strategy. Using it as soon as you've emphasized the advantages of your offer will help ensure that the prospect remembers it.

Puppy Dog Close

If a pet store allows you to "test a puppy out" and bring it home for a few days, the theory behind this sales closing approach is that you would fall in love with it and never want to return it.

Give a free, no-strings-attached trial of your goods to a puppy dog. It is hoped that the potential customer will discover your product to be so valuable that, following a brief trial period, they will find it impossible to part with.

Gauge Close

The gauge close, often referred to as the scale close, allows you to assess your prospect's degree of interest.

One may inquire, for instance, "How likely are you to proceed on a scale of one to 10, where one is "I'm not interested," and ten is "Let's start next week," after your presentation. You may measure their curiosity, get over any resistance, and seal the deal by posing an open-ended question and receiving a direct response.

Takeaway Close

This tactic, often referred to as reverse psychology, takes advantage of people's desire for items that are out of their reach. Make a note that their firm "may not qualify for your solution like other companies have" or that your solution "might not be a good fit" for them.

Because you're doing the reverse of what a salesman usually does takeaway close works well because the prospect doesn't anticipate it. Like the scarcity close, this strategy only functions if the prospect has expressed interest in your offering but hasn't made a purchase yet.

Sharp Angle Closes

When they are in the driving seat in a negotiation, prospects frequently ask for price breaks or extras. Try using the sharp angle close approach to surprise these prospects if your sales manager has given the go-ahead.

Say "Sure" in response to their inquiry, "Could you add on a few extra hours of onboarding at a discounted rate?" "Will you sign the contract today if I take care of that for you?" Given that you granted their request and that you suggested shutting down today, they probably won't anticipate this reaction.

Close Up Shot of a Shake Hands
Close Up Shot of a Shake Hands

Summary Closes

When using this closing strategy, salespeople restate the products that they hope the buyer will buy. They emphasize the worth and advantages of their offering to entice potential customers to sign a contract. As an illustration:

"Therefore, we have the brushless Centrifab washing machine, a 10-year complete guarantee, and free delivery and installation. What time would be ideal for the delivery?

By condensing all previously discussed points into a little bundle, you make it easier for potential customers to see what they would receive from a purchase.

Scarcity Close

A prospect is persuaded to buy immediately by the scarcity close, sometimes referred to as the now or never close, which plays on their fear of losing out. For instance, you may provide an extra incentive, like an extra day of consultation, if they sign up right away.

This method can help you push a potential customer over the threshold when they are genuinely interested in making a purchase.

Question Close

Throughout the sales process, you may overcome any objections and obtain a commitment from your prospect by using the question-close strategy.

You may inquire, for instance, "Does what I'm offering solve your problem?" or "Can you sign today for any reason?" The inquiries seek closure or any justifications for not moving further. It benefits both parties.

Soft Close

The gentle closure is not as forceful. It provides a less strict yes/no scenario and gives potential customers the idea that they are choosing for themselves. You may inquire, for instance, "What do you think should happen next?" or "This looks like the ideal resolution. How do you feel? Throughout the sales process, you may utilize the soft close many times to make sure the prospect is on board.

B2B buyers said that soft close strategies work better than harsh closing remarks in the study for Steve W. Martin's Sales Strategy Playbook.

Prompt Agreement

Convince your customer by briefly outlining the advantages of your product and then asking for their agreement. For clients who have previously shown interest in your good or service, this is a helpful tactic. Additionally, it helps you show them that you respect their viewpoint.

Propose Your Help

When a consumer expresses uncertainty about the potential benefits of the product you're selling, get additional information about their existing issues and offer to help solve them.

Before you try to clinch the deal, you have to finish up your background investigation on the client or organization. You can establish a mutually advantageous connection with them and inspire a purchase by acknowledging that you understand their problem and asking if they would want your assistance.

Two People Shaking Hands
Two People Shaking Hands

The Alternative Close

This approach is used by salespeople to provide potential customers with two or more purchasing choices that might result in a sale. Potential customers think that doing this puts them in charge and provides them with a sense of control over the transaction.

It doesn't. This is so that salespeople may obliquely direct prospects toward the more costly bundle they want them to select while still making suggestions.

The Something For Nothing Close

The giving of a kind gesture is something for nothing near. Salespeople expect that by signing a transaction, prospects will return the favor. For businesses that want to attract clients quickly but need more social evidence, this closing strategy works wonders.

Additionally, it works wonders for businesses attempting to persuade customers to move from a rival brand.

Unique Offer Close

Large deal sizes are a fantastic fit for prospects that use this closing method. To entice prospects who become hesitant, make a unique offer that is just available to them. It benefits both parties. A special offer is made to the prospect. You complete the transaction.

After The Commitment

The most effective closing strategy is often to provide a thorough summary, offer a strong recommendation, and then just ask for the deal. Take action even before the evaluation is finished in the early stages of the purchasing process.

Simply inquire, "Would you like to proceed with the product/service if we can demonstrate to you during this assessment how we can meet your needs?" Similar to the assumption strategy, this also requires the salesman to have a solid understanding of the buyer's circumstances and an established rapport with them.

Now Or Never Close

Instilling a feeling of urgency is a helpful tactic. Making a compelling offer might encourage a potential customer to take immediate action rather than letting them deliberate about it longer. Using the "now or never close" tactic to pursue consumers who are considering your goods or services but have not committed is a wise move.

Demonstration Close

Some people focus more on the visual sense. Thus, you might provide a demo of the good or service to a prospect who is hesitant to engage in conversation, particularly if they need help understanding it. This will help them imagine how your service or product may fit into their company demands and enable them to understand precisely how it works.

For example, You can make your website more dynamic by doing this. Allow me to explain. Visualizing the operation of this device might be challenging. I'll take you through the merchandise.

Two People Shaking Hands
Two People Shaking Hands

1-2-3 Close

This method and the summary close are comparable. You are enumerating the characteristics and advantages of the product in both. However, you want to emphasize in sets of three what makes the product exceptional for the 1-2-3 close.

It relies on the idea that grouping things in threes may create a strong message, although it could be more evident than other approaches. Either list out three distinct points to demonstrate the breadth of coverage or concentrate on three related ones to highlight the significance of a feature.

Weekly Cost Close

Sometimes, the only thing separating the transaction is the price. In particular, it might appear excessively costly if you offer someone an annual cost. However, you may compare the price to an ordinary purchase if you break it down by the week or the day.

Saying that the cost of a service is the same as purchasing a daily cup of coffee is one example. From there, it's simple to argue that, for a few bucks a day, you are offering them a critical service.

Testimonial Close

Testimonials are very compelling and provide prospective consumers with a sense of what to anticipate if they purchase your product or service, which is why businesses display them on their websites. The success of a testimonial closing depends on the favorable remarks left by a client.

The Ownership Close

Using this closing strategy, the salesman talks as though the customer has already purchased the item. This is a perfect example of "future pacing," in which you let the potential customer visualize their life after purchasing your product.

When the salesman uses case studies or results to support their arguments, this strategy performs better.

The Video Close

Videos are the best way to establish trust. When you utilize videos to address concerns, clarify costs, or discuss a feature, potential customers may see your face and the work you put into making a sale.

Track your email when your prospect watches the video when you employ the video close strategy. Chat with them once they arrive and handle any further objections in real-time.

Close Up Shot of a Handshake
Close Up Shot of a Handshake

How To Close A Sale?

Determine The Needs Of The Client

First things first, make sure you specify precisely what demands your product or service is meant to fulfill for the consumer. Clients that are not a good fit for your offerings are not interested in hearing from you. It will be a waste of your time and money to pursue them.

Once the demands or pain areas of your customers are well-defined, you may identify particular prospects and companies that meet those needs. It will be interesting for these prospective clients to hear from you.

Find The Decision-Maker

Long before a consumer signs a contract, the transaction must be closed. Qualification of leads is the initial task. Speak with decision-makers who are crucial to the purchase of your good or service by qualifying leads. You need to create an ideal customer profile (ICP) in order to do this.

When creating your ICP, incorporate details such as;

  • Industry - Determine which sectors your product will work best for.
  • Size of the company - Indicate the ideal staffing level for a firm.
  • Location - Indicate where your audience is located.
  • Income - Determine the revenue range at which a businessis a good fit for your offering.
  • Title of employment. Enumerate the typical job titles held by your potential client. By using these qualifying criteria, you may focus your lead search.
Close-up of Human Hand
Close-up of Human Hand

Initiate A Conversation

Use resources like Hunter and Snov to locate and confirm the email addresses of your leads after you've located them. By doing this, you can send emails to leads that won't wind up in their spam folder.

Write, edit, and send a brief cold email with a call-to-action that doesn't promote your product once the email address has been verified. Getting the prospective customer to set up a conversation or to reply favorably to your email should be your main objective.

Describe The Advantages Of Your Product

Reaching out to potential customers by phone or email is just half the fight. The influence of your product on your prospect's company operations is demonstrated in the second half.

Avoid the error of pitching prospects based only on features. Let them see the advantages of utilizing your offering. When you do, people will witness the problems your product resolves and the observable effects of utilizing it.

Create A Sense Of Urgency

To keep your agreements from stagnating or collapsing, you must create a feeling of urgency. Prospects have an incentive to proceed with a contract when there is urgency. Offering a limited-time discount, complimentary onboarding, or anything else that enables the prospect to benefit from your solution right now can help you generate urgency.

Make sure you're providing something prospects actually need while applying this sales technique. There's a fine line between pressing potential customers and instilling a feeling of urgency. You can completely lose out on a bargain if you step beyond that boundary.

Be Ready To Respond To Any Objections That May Arise

Having objections can be beneficial. An objection indicates that your potential customer wants to proceed but is having concerns. By addressing these criticisms, you will move closer to meeting your quota. Typical objections a sales associate may encounter are as follows;

  • There needs to be more time.
  • We need the necessary funds.
  • The cost of your goods is high.
  • We don't currently require your goods.

In order to close the transaction, you must be ready to address these arguments. By responding to your prospect's worries with confidence, you'll position yourself for success.

What To Do After Closing A Sale?

It's time to rejoice after the sale has been concluded! But before you give your team a high five, remember to tie up any loose ends. Here are some expert pointers regarding what to do following the deal's closure.

Log The Deal In Your Sales Software

We assure you that your sales executives will appreciate this. By logging your deal, you can assist your team stay on track with forecasts and maintain an updated pipeline.

Introduce Yourself And The Following Team

Most usually, the customer's journey with your company begins with the contract being closed. To become onboarded from here, customers might have to talk to customer success or support.

To ensure a seamless transfer for the consumer to the next stage of the business, set up an electronic introduction for the person taking over.

Follow Up With The Customer In A Few Days

Building trust and fostering customer loyalty may be achieved by following up with recently acquired customers and finding out how they are happy with their purchases. If problems emerge, you can promptly intervene and assist or identify a team member who can.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Is It Essential To Handle Objections Confidently During The Closing Stage?

Overcoming objections demonstrates expertise and reassures the customer, paving the way for a successful close.

How Can You Create A Sense Of Urgency During The Sales Closing Process?

Emphasize limited-time offers, discounts, or exclusive deals available only for a short period.

Why Is Building Rapport Crucial Before Attempting To Close A Sale?

Establishing trust and a connection increases the likelihood of the customer feeling comfortable making a purchase.


Undoubtedly, one of the most crucial skills a salesperson can acquire is closing. Even if hitting your quota and selling are your main priorities, keep in mind that people are still people. People's responses depend on how they are handled.

Thus, maintain your composure while applying these close sales strategies. Show empathy. Find a mentor or colleague salesman who possesses exceptional skills in any of these strategies, and they will assist you in putting these best practices into effect.

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