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What Is The Purpose Of Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is a critical aspect of online visibility and website optimization. Understanding what is the purpose of technical SEO is essential for anyone seeking to enhance their digital presence. Technical SEO refers to the meticulous process of fine-tuning a website's backend elements to improve its search engine performance.

John Harrison
John Harrison
Jan 20, 20242.6K Shares60.9K Views
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  1. What Is Technical SEO?
  2. Why Technical SEO Is Important?
  3. What Is The Difference Between SEO And Technical SEO?
  4. Technical SEO Best Practices
  5. Benefits Of Technical SEO For Businesses
  6. How To Get Started With Technical SEO?
  7. How Can You Improve Your Technical SEO?
  8. Frequently Asked Questions
  9. Final Thoughts
What Is The Purpose Of Technical SEO?

In the dynamic realm of digital marketing, achieving online visibility and prominence hinges on the strategic deployment of various tools and techniques. At the forefront of these methodologies lies Technical SEO, a formidable force dedicated to optimizing the very foundation of a website.

The purpose of technical SEO is unmistakable to fine-tune the intricate infrastructure of a digital domain, ensuring seamless accessibility, effortless crawling, and comprehensive understanding by search engines.

This process is not merely a set of best practices but a pivotal aspect of any robust SEO strategy, shaping the destiny of a website in the competitive landscape of search engine results pages (SERPs).

As we embark on this exploration, we will delve into the importance and characteristics of a technically optimized website, shedding light on how these enhancements can elevate rankings, generate organic traffic, and foster an unparalleled user experience.

What is the purpose of technical SEO, and why does it hold the key to digital triumph? Let's navigate through the intricacies and unveil the transformative impact of technical SEO on a website's performance and success in the vast digital ecosystem.

What Is Technical SEO?

Icons In Blue Circle
Icons In Blue Circle

The process of technical SEO is making a website better for search engines. It can also include things that make the experience better for people who visit the site. The following are some typical jobs that are part of technical SEO.

Submitting Your Sitemap To Google

An essential part of technical SEO is sending a file to Google. A sitemap is like a map of your website that shows how it is organized and structured. This makes it easier for search engines to crawl and understand the content.

Creating An SEO-Friendly Site Structure

The structure of your website is fundamental to how search engines understand and rank it. For your site to be SEO-friendly, your content needs to be organized in a way that makes sense and follows a hierarchy. Search engine bots and people who visit your site will find it easier to use now.

Improving Your Website's Speed

It's essential for both users and search engines that websites load quickly. People expect websites to load quickly, and search engines like Google give sites that load quickly higher results.

Making Your Website Mobile-Friendly

As phones become the primary way people reach the internet, your website must work well on phones. A critical part of technical SEO is mobile optimization. Google, in particular, uses mobile-friendliness as a significant ranking factor.

Finding And Fixing Duplicate Content Issues

When search engines find duplicate information, it can make the site less useful for SEO. Technical SEO includes finding and fixing problems with duplicate content to make sure that search engines read the right version of a page.

One way to do this is to use canonical tags to show which version of a page is chosen and 301 redirects to combine different versions of the same content into one.

Man Standing Next To Big Alphabets
Man Standing Next To Big Alphabets

Why Technical SEO Is Important?

Technical SEO is a set of best practices that make sure your website is easy for people to use, crawl, and search. It is a vital part of any SEO plan because it can help your site rise higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

A study by the digital marketing company Aira found that 74% of respondents said that technical SEO was the responsibility of marketing in their companies.

This shows that technical SEO is becoming more important in the industry. Technical SEO is vital for many reasons. These are some of the most important.


Technical SEO is a way to make sure that search engines can find and index your website. This means that people will be able to find your website when they search for keywords that are related to the information on your site.


Technical SEO is another way to help your site rank higher in SERPs. The technical parts of your website are one of the many things that search engines use to decide how to rank websites.

User Experience

Technical SEO can also help make your website better for people who use it. This is important because happy customers can bring more people to your site and help you make more sales.

What Is The Difference Between SEO And Technical SEO?

Technical SEO is the process of making the technical parts of a website (like code) work better for search engines. SEO is the process of making all parts of a website work better for search engines. This is a part of the SEO process.

Look at the picture below to get a better idea of what SEO is all about. It shows the three main parts of SEO. There are three types of SEO: technical, on-page, and off-page. Off-page SEO is the process of getting mentions (links) from other websites to boost trust during the ranking process.

On-page SEO is about the content and how to make it more beneficial to what the user is searching for. That's why technical, on-page, and off-page SEO need clear lines between them. They all need to work together for a website to be fully optimized.

Technical SEO Best Practices

If you want to improve your website for technical SEO fully, use these methods.

Choose Your Domain Format

One of the first technical SEO choices you need to make is how you want search engines and people to be able to get to your domain. A website can be reached with or without www in front of a domain name by default.

Optimize Your URL Structure

The next thing on your list for technical SEO is to change how your website's URLs are structured. When we say "URL structure," we mean how your URLs are set up.

Once you decide on the style of your permanent link structure, all you will need to do when you add new content is make sure that your URLs are optimized. If you use WordPress as your CMS, you will see that the URL is made from the post title when you make a new post.

There are many reasons why the structure of your website is an essential SEO feature. Search engines can better understand and list a website, and users are more likely to stay on it longer and quickly find what they want.

Google does look at the layout of the site as a whole when judging a page, and this is something that shouldn't be forgotten. A hierarchical site layout is what you should use, as shown in the example below. Crawlers begin their work on a website's home page and follow links from there to find other pages.

Structured Data Markup

Structured data has grown in value over the past few years as Google has used it more and more in Search Results. Structured data is code that you can add to your web pages that only search engine bots can see. This code helps them understand what your content is about. It tells search engines how to understand your info.

Check Your Canonical URLs

A canonical URL should be on every page of your site. This is defined by adding the canonical tag in the HEAD of your posts and pages like this.

<link rel="canonical" href="CANONICAL-URL"/>

Person Using Laptop
Person Using Laptop

Benefits Of Technical SEO For Businesses

One of the main benefits of technical SEO is that if you fully improve your site, you'll get more organic traffic. However, there are many other benefits as well. In 2023, technical SEO is mostly about four things: crawlability, indexability, security, and page speed.

These factors include a lot of technical changes and are very important for making sure that search engines and people can access your website.

Search engines will send more people to your site if it is easy for them to crawl, index, and navigate. All of these benefits happen because of this. Some of the perks of technical SEO are listed below.

  • Following Google's suggestions for how to optimize a website.
  • Users can get to your website from any device if it's mobile-friendly.
  • Getting your website to load quickly for everyone
  • Making it simple for search engines to crawl, index, and rank your page.
  • Get rid of pop-ups and other annoying elements that make the user experience worse.
  • It should be simple for people to use your site and get the information they need.
  • Make sure your website is safe and sound.
  • Setting up a URL layout that search engines will like.
  • Getting rid of your website's broken links and 404 pages.
  • Adding organized data to your pages will make them show up better in search results.
  • By adding a robots.txt file, you can tell search engines what to crawl and what not to crawl.
  • A sitemap is like a "roadmap" for your website. Making one will help search engines find it.

To put it simply, technical SEO helps search engines crawl and analyze your website so you can get more people to visit it. Also, a well-built site properly is easy to use and loads quickly, which keeps people on it longer. This is what you want because you want that traffic to become leads and sales.

Benefits Of Seo
Benefits Of Seo

How To Get Started With Technical SEO?

In 2023, technical SEO is mostly about four things: crawlability, indexability, security, and page speed. These factors include a lot of technical changes and are very important for making sure that search engines and people can access your website.

Are you ready to start making your website better for technical SEO and getting all the benefits of SEO, like higher ranks and more sales? Then, look over this SEO technology checklist. It gives you a list of essential SEO tips and things you should do.

Make A Google Search Console Account

You should make a Google Search Console account if you haven't already. It's free, so don't worry. You can see how well your website does generally in search results as well as how well each page does in Google Search Console.

Create A Robots.Txt File

Next, you need to make a file called robots.txt. For web crawlers, a robots.txt file is like a set of rules. You can even tell web bots like those from Google and Bing precisely what to do.

Build An Xml And Html Sitemap

Building an XML and HTML index is also important. You should also make a robots.txt file. Crawlers use an XML sitemap, which is like a map, to find the most critical pages on your site, like the ones about your goods or services. People won't use an XML index.

Use Https

Check out your site. Now, look at the URL bar on your computer. Do you see a lock or the words "Not secure" next to the URL of your website? You need to switch your site from HTTP to HTTPS if you don't see a small lock.

HTTPS makes your website safer by setting up a private connection that encrypts any information a user sends, like their credit card number, email address, or phone number. Since more people shop and talk online, HTTPs are essential for every business.

Establish An SEO-Friendly Navigation

It would help if you looked at your site's menu again, no matter how big or small it is. The word "navigation" is often used to refer to your website's main navigation page, which is usually at the top or on the left side. But sometimes, your business might have extra menus that customers can use to find more material.

Follow An SEO-Friendly Url Structure

Technical SEO is a branch of SEO that focuses on making your website more accessible to find and use. That's why this technical SEO checklist has a task that is all about improving your site's navigation and URL structure.

Develop A Mobile-Friendly Website

For SEO reasons, every business needs a website that works well on phones. Google now uses a mobile-first search, which means that it looks at your site through the eyes of a mobile user. Your business will only succeed in the search results if you have a website that works well on mobile devices.

3 Blue Bulbs
3 Blue Bulbs

How Can You Improve Your Technical SEO?

To improve your technical SEO, consider following these simple steps.

Apply SSL

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security system that lets a web server and a browser send and receive encrypted data.

SSLs are usually found on sites that store and process personal information, like those that let you buy things with a credit card. Recently, major search engines added a way to let people know when they visit sites that don't have SSL.

Decrease Site Load Time

People may leave a website that takes too long to load. By making sure that your website loads quickly, you may get people to connect with your content for longer, which could help your search engine rankings.

The speed at which pages load is also now used by major search engines to rank results.

Four hundred four pages are pages that don't exist anymore, but their links are still on your page. Another great way to improve your site's technical SEO is to get rid of these pages.

Most likely, 404s and broken links happen because you changed the URL of a page that used to live at a specific URL or deleted the page because you didn't need it.

Eliminate Mixed Content Issues

If you need help with mixed content, it could be because you just added SSL to your site but still have pages in your menus that need to be safer.

After adding SSL to your website, you may need to change each page by hand to add SSL to all of your links. Do a site check and look for mixed content in the error report. This is an easy way to find problems with mixed content on your website.

Remove Duplicate Content

Content that shows up on more than one of your web pages is called duplicate content. Duplicate content can be challenging for crawlers and spider bots to understand, and your users may feel like it's optional.

Please get rid of any similar content on your site to avoid this and make it better for technical SEO. Content that is repeated may be the same or different.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Technical SEO Used For?

Technical SEO is used to optimize the underlying infrastructure of a website, focusing on factors like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability to improve search engine visibility.

What Is The Primary Purpose Of SEO?

The primary purpose of SEO is to enhance a website's visibility on search engines, drive organic traffic, and improve online presence.

What Is The Factor In Technical SEO?

Speed, mobile optimization, site structure, and addressing duplicate content are critical factors in technical SEO.

Why Is Technical Optimization Important?

Technical optimization is crucial for ensuring a website's performance, user experience, and ability to rank well on search engines, ultimately driving online success.

Final Thoughts

What is the purpose of technical SEO, is multifaceted and integral to the success of a website in the digital landscape. From optimizing crawling and indexing to prioritizing site speed, mobile responsiveness, and security, technical SEO shapes the foundation upon which a website's visibility and user experience stand.

Embracing structured data markup, canonicalization, and accessibility further refine a website's interaction with search engines and users alike. As the digital realm continues to evolve, understanding and implementing the principles of technical SEO becomes paramount for businesses and website owners aiming to thrive in the competitive online space.

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